#1) “Science Needs Story” Begins!

New book, new video, new blog (hopefully new things to say).


SCIENCE NEEDS STORY.  Or at least that’s what this new book argues.



Welcome to my new blog, “Science Needs Story.”  After running The Benshi for 5 years and 400 posts it felt like time to move on.   Plus, at the end of a 25 year journey, I have a clear and simple message for the world:  Science Needs Story, the subject of my new book, “Houston, We Have A Narrative:  Why Science Needs Story.”


This blog is going to be the same as the Benshi, yet different.  It’s the same old me, writing the same old posts, with the same basic interest in mass communication, and the same absence of comments (similar to recent developments on major blogs like The Daily Beast that have gotten rid of comments).  But it’s going to be different in that it will be more focused on a single topic — narrative.

 I’ve got plenty to say, so subscribe and stay tuned, it’s going to be a fun fall with the new book.

