Chat GPT 4.0 is beyond amazing. Maybe not in terms of CONTENT so far (it makes lots of mistakes and even bullshits), but if you understand FORM there’s no way you can be anything but stunned by it. On a parallel note the ABT (And, But, Therefore) Framework is also about FORM. So what this means is that Chat GPT is the ultimate tool for the ABT Framework PROVIDED … you have narrative intuition. Allow me to explain further …

For the past 30 years I’ve had a mentor (a Hollywood veteran) in my journey into and through Hollywood. Five years ago he began warning me what was coming with Artificial Intelligence. He steered me to two important books, “Our Final Invention,” by James Barrat and “Life 3.0” by Max Tegmark. Together they paint a picture of the future and probe the question of whether A.I. will ultimately be benevolent or malevolent.
I asked him recently what he thinks are now the best books on this. He said those two are still pretty much all you need to make sense of the strange new world emerging There’s about to be a lot of change that most experts feel is going to be unlike anything we’ve ever experienced.
As you probably (and hopefully) know, Chat GPT 3.0 was released last fall to little fanfare yet quickly became the most rapidly adopted app in history. That by itself underscores its importance. And then last week was Chat GPT 4.0 which is the real stunner.
And yet, lots of people experimented with 3.0, saw it was making informational mistakes, and dismissed it as over-hyped. But here’s why that’s a bad mistake to make.
Communication consists of two parts: the information you’re wanting to convey (CONTENT) and the way you put it together (FORM). This divide is crucial in considering what is so powerful about Chat GPT.
Chat GPT is not that great so far in terms of CONTENT. You can just use Google and do a more accurate job for a lot of topics. It’s the second part — FORM — that you begin to see is truly stunning.
Let me draw on two grand masters to help make this point …
In 2015, as I was preparing for the release of “Houston We Have A Narrative,” my mentor buddy that I mentioned above did a very cool favor for me. He is friends with Matt Stone, one of the two co-creators of the animated series, “South Park.” He sent Matt the chapter of the book where I thanked he and Trey Parker for the knowledge from which I initially derived the ABT Narrative Template.
Matt wrote back a really nice email. It included this extremely profound bit, which I cited in the second edition of, “Don’t Be Such A Scientist.” He said:
Hey man this is really cool. If there is anything Trey and I work hard on it’s structure. It’s so important and so so hard to get right. We beat ourselves up so that causality is really there or at least emotionally implied. Then we put in some dick jokes and poop stuff and, voila!
Take a look at what he’s saying about “structure” which means FORM.
He says it is “so important” yet “so so hard to get right.” The second part is what’s crucial– that he gives structure (FORM) not one, but two “so’s.”
And there you have it. THAT is why Chat GPT right now is so so stunning. Which it truly is. Chat GPT takes that second element and changes it from “so so hard” into instantly solved. Bingo.
For example, a friend had me use Chat GPT 4.0 to write a Shakespearean sonnet about a frog that fell in love with a platypus. That’s the sort of thing where the CONTENT is easy to get right — not a lot of mystery to what a frog and platypus look like. But the FORM … making all the words rhyme properly and constructing it to have Shakespeare’s iambic pentameter?
THAT is the part that traditionally would be “so so hard.” It would take a person like me at least a month, if not a year (if not a lifetime).
Chat GPT solves it in an instant. BOOM! That … that is your miracle of Chat GPT, broken down into communication dynamics. And that is why it is a huge opportunity as a tool to allow you to do rapid repetition in ways I never could have imagined.
So now let’s look at the two ways we will be putting Chat GPT to use in the ABT Framework course.
From the start, we’ve said our philosophy for Narrative Training is this simple formula:
S + R = I
Where S is SIMPLICITY, R is REPETITION and I is your ultimate goal of narrative INTUITION.
Look at the R element. That is where Chat GPT comes in. It allows you to create a first draft of an ABT (in using it you should tell it “Using Randy Olson’s ABT Framework create a one sentence ABT about …” — this gets you directly into ABT structuring versus other ABT’s like American Ballet Theater).
Then you can begin tweaking it, rapidly. This ends up being the same process as “Rapid Prototyping” that CAD/CAM brought about for machinery.
We’re just start to explore its power, but here’s the start of an example use of it …
Using Randy Olson’s ABT Framework create a one sentence ABT for why legislation is needed to curb gun violence.
And: Gun violence is a significant problem in many communities across the United States.
But: Current laws and regulations are insufficient to address the issue, and innocent lives are being lost due to gun violence every day.
Therefore: Legislation is needed to curb gun violence and protect the safety and well-being of all citizens.
Now add to the “And:” statement the number of deaths per year in the US from gun violence.
Sure, here’s a revised ABT statement:
And: With over 40,000 deaths per year in the United States from gun violence, it is a significant problem in many communities across the country.
But: Current laws and regulations are insufficient to address the issue, and innocent lives are being lost due to gun violence every day.
Therefore: Legislation is needed to curb gun violence and protect the safety and well-being of all citizens.
Now make the “Therefore:” element more specific by mentioning legislation that has been proposed in the past to address this problem.
Sure, here’s a revised ABT statement:
And: With over 40,000 deaths per year in the United States from gun violence, it is a significant problem in many communities across the country.
But: Current laws and regulations are insufficient to address the issue, and innocent lives are being lost due to gun violence every day.
Therefore: Legislation such as universal background checks, assault weapons bans, and red flag laws, which have been proposed in the past, are needed to curb gun violence and protect the safety and well-being of all citizens.
There is so much you can do with it. We’ll give more updates on this element soon.
The above example shows you exactly what I’ve been saying for the past few months — Chat GPT is like a beautiful and awesome race car, BUT … narrative intuition is the steering wheel. Without narrative intuition, you’ve got an amazing gadget that races all over the place but ultimately amounts to nothing.
You need to steer the process. To do this, you need narrative intuition. The ABT Framework helps you develop this. Without it, you’re going to maybe have lots of fun, but also … you’ll end up wasting too much time.
And that is bad news in a world where time is increasingly in short supply.